Intro Post: Digital Residents vs Digital Visitors?

For many of us, this is the first time we ever come across these words, “Digital Residents”  and “Digital Residents” – me included. After doing some research, I realised that these words are very relevant and are useful descriptive phrases to our society nowadays.

Who are Digital Residents?

They are people who “stay” on the web, who leave visible traces, for example, posting tweets, pictures etc. on social media and forums.

Who are Digital Visitors?

They are people who only go to the web for specific reasons and they do not leave any visible traces. For example, they may be there to watch videos, do research, find locations. So once their intentions are met, they will leave the web.

In the past, before social media and forums especially, people might mostly be digital visitors where it was a one-way thing. However now that things have changed, the web has become a place for people to communicate and share their life which becomes a place for them to go to and potentially stay. This makes them digital residents. So who am I? I am both!


I would definitely consider myself more of a digital resident after evaluating myself as I actively voice my opinions on social media and sometimes I do blog. However, I am also partly a digital visitor at times because there are times where I just go on the web to do my research when I get busy with the “real world”. I would say in general, there are very few digital visitors around these days and many people are digital residents but occasional visitors.


Food for thought: The above picture shows some sites that can categorise one into being a digital Resident or Visitor.

Till next time!

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