Topic 3: Single VS Multiple identities

When we’re online, we have identities just like in reality. However, the difference is that we can choose to portray who we really are or only show others what we want them to see. Let me introduce you to three types of identities.

Source: Kua Siew Min

Of course, it is our choice to make but there are advantages and disadvantages to each.


Source: Kua Siew Min
Content in Source: Future Learn

Moving on, you may ask me, “Which option is better?”
Well, my answer to you is, “Definitely not anonymous identity”.

According to an article the Cyber Bullying Research Center, there has been an increase in cyberbullying over the years.

cyber bullying
Source: Cyber Bullying Research Center

When people go anonymous, they tend to be braver since they don’t have to worry about people finding out about who they are. This is when all the bad things like cyberbullying start to happen.

Well, what about Multiple identities and Single identity then?
According to an article by Business News Daily, 70 percent of employers now use social media to screen job candidates before hiring them.


Source: Jobvite

It is because people are afraid of employers digging up something bad about their personal life on social media that spark them to create multiple identities.

To add on, Richard Allan (Facebook director of policy in Europe), mentioned in an article that authentic identity outweighs the costs. He explained that Facebook allows people to curate what’s public and private and this will help to facilitate the data that are being shared with the employers. This means that we don’t have to create separate profiles but instead be in the know of what to make public and private.

(262 words)


FutureLearn. 2017. What is your network identity? – Learning in the Network Age – University of Southampton. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2017].

CyberBullyingOrg. 2016. Summary of Our Cyberbullying Research (2004-2016) – Justin W. Patchin [ONLINE] Available at:

TheGuardian. 2012. Online Identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important? – Aleks Krotoski [ONLINE] Available at:

BusinessNewsDaily. 2017. Keep It Clean: Social Media Screenings Gain in Popularity – Chad Brooks [ONLINE] Available at:

4 thoughts on “Topic 3: Single VS Multiple identities

  1. Hi Siew Min,

    Great read! Its was very visually-appealing and informative on different types of identity on the web.
    Regarding your views on the different identities, you mentioned that anonymity is the last identity in your opinion to adopt. According to a news article from BBC, Bruce Schneier mentioned that there’s a great use for people living in countries where internet usage would result in detrimental consequences for the user. ( What do you think are some possibilities where you think that internet anonymity is essential or critical? Also, do you feel that having anonymity protects us for malicious viruses and hacking etc.

    You also shown the huge usage of recruiters using social media to deepen their understanding of their candidates, could usage of multiple identity result in a less honest society. With the ease of choice for individuals to decide which identity to adopt on the net, could i be said that trying to understand a candidate more through social media is unreliable?

    Word Count: 156


    1. Hi Gary, thanks for your comment!

      For your first point, I feel that anonymity is acceptable only when the police or authorities are trying to crack a criminal case. On a day to day basis for any decent human being (like you and I), my stand is still clear on having either multiple identities or a single identity. This is because our purpose on social media should be to socialise or to do anything but criminal activity and if we’re just doing that, we should have nothing to hide. To me, anonymity doesn’t protect us from hacking but the knowledge of cyber security and how to protect our personal data is the important part here. One example of protection is to not click pop up ads or “clickbait” posts on social media. This example itself shows that you don’t have to be anonymous to prevent yourself from getting hacked. You may continue to read more tips in the first link of my list of references.

      On your next point, I would say that understanding a candidate alone through social media is not reliable. However many employers turn to social media scanning for different reasons. A study reported by Business News Daily said that “61 percent of employers conduct social screenings to look for information that supports a candidate’s qualifications for the job, 50 percent want to make sure the candidate has a professional online persona, and 37 percent want to see what other people are posting about the candidate. Just 24 percent of those surveyed check social media to search for reasons not to hire someone.” From these reasons, I reckon that social media can be a rough gauge and an extra tool to judge a person but should not be the only tool used to judge whether or not to hire someone.

      TheStraitsTimes. 2016. 5 tips to secure your smartphone and prevent hackers from stealing your data – Lester Hio [ONLINE] Available at:

      BusinessNewsDaily. 2017. Keep It Clean: Social Media Screenings Gain in Popularity – Chad Brooks [ONLINE] Available at:


  2. Hello Siew Min,

    Love your infographic! Thanks for sharing with my about cyber bullying, since there is an increase, is there anyway we can prevent or minimize cyber bullying?

    “Different sites, different audiences, different purposes.”

    In my opinion, I agree with that quote. I myself have multiple online identities as well. Social and professional online identities should be ‘filtered’ to suit different audience.

    Adding on, 70 percent of employers now use social media to screen job candidates before hiring them. A popular phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover” but first impression still matter to most of us. Your potential position may be ruin if they saw any inappropriate photos post on your social media.

    What are your views on multiple online identities and are you one of them? You may read the link below for reference!




    1. Hi Shih Ying,
      Thank you for your comment!

      A lot of emphases is placed on school-based efforts to prevent cyberbullying. This is because a lot of cyberbullying cases start and are carried out by students who may not even know that they are cyberbullying. The efforts include having school talks, school activities and lessons to help this movement.

      To add on, in 2015, Facebook teamed up with the Media Literacy Council in Singapore and launched a site for cyberbullying. The site, called the Bullying Prevention Centre, provides resources for teens, parents, and teachers in Singapore was launched here after its success in the United States and Britain.
      The site gives people being bullied information on what they can do when they experience something upsetting, recommendations to adults who want to help, as well as guidance to the person accused of bullying on why they have upset someone and how they can make it better, said Facebook and the Media Literacy Council.

      Moving on to your next point, I believe that having multiple accounts has its pros in that sense. But to me, having a single identity can still be used without destroying an impression. According to Richard Allan (Facebook director of policy in Europe), “authentic identity outweighs the costs”. He explained that Facebook allows people to curate what’s public and private and this will help to facilitate the data that are being shared with the employers. This means that we don’t have to create separate profiles but instead be in the know of what to make public and private.

      TheStraitsTimes. 2015. Facebook and Media Literacy Council join hands to prevent cyberbullying – Jelelah Abu Baker [ONLINE] Available at:

      TheGuardian. 2012. Online Identity: is authenticity or anonymity more important? – Aleks Krotoski [ONLINE] Available at:

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